Post by Daze on Jul 22, 2013 15:59:13 GMT -6
You can find an example of what the template looks like below this code. After completing your application, remove sections of the application that you chose not to complete. Remove the 'optional' markers around sections that you chose to complete. When you are finished with your application, post it in the 'post here' section of the site, which you can find by clicking here.
[img alt=" " src="http://url of picture of your character here" style="max-width:100%;"]
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u]BASICS[/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] who do you see on the surface? [/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]n a m e[/b] -- first middle last
[b]n i c k n a m e (s)[/b] -- character's nicknames
[b]m e a n i n g - o f - n a m e[/b] -- is there a meaning behind the name?
[b]a g e [/b]-- how old is your character?
[b]d a t e - o f - b i r t h[/b] -- day/month/year
[b]s e x [/b]-- male or female?
[b]s e x u a l - o r i e n t a t i o n[/b] -- straight, bi, gay, asexual, etc.
[b]s p e c i e s[/b] -- elf, human, tamer, famo, etc.
[b]s o c i o - e c o n o m i c l e v e l[/b] -- rich, poor, middle-class, etc.
[b]o c c u p a t i o n[/b] -- job?
[b]r a n k - o r - t i t l e[/b] -- rank?
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u]APPEARANCE[/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] who do you see in the mirror? [/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]p l a y - b y[/b] -- optional
[b]h e i g h t [/b] -- feet and inches
[b]w e i g h t[/b] -- pounds
[b]p o s t u r e[/b] -- how do they stand?
[b]b u i l d[/b] -- muscular, skinny, lean, petite, etc.
[b]s k i n[/b] -- tan, pale, olive, yellowed, etc.
[b]h a i r[/b] -- color, style, length?
[b]e y e s[/b] -- color, shape, size?
[b]f a c e - s h a p e[/b] -- square, heart, angular, narrow, vulpine, etc.
[b]e x p r e s s i o n s?[/b] -- describe how they look when angry or amused or sad. describe their smile.
[b]t a t t o o s / s c a r s?[/b] -- tattoos and scars
[b]r i g h t - o r - l e f t - h a n d e d?[/b] -- right or left or both?
[b]d i s t i n q u i s h i n g - f e a t u r e s?[/b] -- what makes them stand out? what will someone remember about them?
[b]h e a l t h[/b] -- are they sickly? do they rarely become sick?
[b]p h y s i c a l - q u a l i t i e s?[/b] athletically or aesthetically
[b]p h y s i c a l - f l a w s[/b] athletically or aesthetically
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u](optional) VOICE (optional) [/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] you don't say? [/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]v o i c e [/b] -- describe their voice
[b]s p e e c h - p a t t e r n s [/b] -- speech patterns, dialect, unique phrases or words they use, etc.
[b]c u r s e[/b] -- do they curse and, if so, to what extent?
[b]l a u g h[/b] -- describe their laugh
[b]y o u - d o n ' t - s a y?[/b] -- write a piece of dialog this person might say- to themselves or with another character.
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u] MIND [/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] layers layers and layers? [/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]i n t e l l i g e n c e - l e v e l[/b] -- describe their intelligence- book-smart or street smart, etc?
[b]s c h o o l i n g?[/b] -- level of schooling your character received
[b]s e l f - c o n f i d e n c e?[/b] -- over, under, arrogant, confident?
[b]d o m i n a n t - o r - s u b m i s s i v e?[/b] -- how quickly, if they even can, do they back down?
[b]p a t i e n c e - l e v e l[/b] -- patient, impatient, absolutely no sense of self control? etc.
[b]s e n s e - o f - h u m o r[/b] -- describe their sense of humor? sarcastic, dark, witty, light, sadistic, etc?
[b]c h a r a c t e r / p e r s o n a l i t y / m e n t a l / s o c i a l - f l a w s?[/b] flaws?
[b]c h a r a c t e r / p e r s o n a l i t y / m e n t a l / s o c i a l - s t r e n g t h s?[/b] strengths?
[b]w h i c h - o f - t h e - s e v e n - v i r t u e s - d o - t h e y - r e s e m b l e ?[/b] chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, humility?
[b]w h i c h - o f - t h e - s e v e n - s i n s - d o - t h e y - r e s e m b l e ?[/b] lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, or pride?
[b]o p t o m i s t - o r - p e s s i m i s t?[/b] -- one or the other or some combination of both?
[b]i n t r o v e r t - o r - e x t r o v e r t?[/b] -- one or the other or some combination of both?
[b]b i g g e s t - v u l n e r a b i l i t y - (non-physical?)[/b] -- over-confidence, anger-issues, arrogance, pride?
[b]g r e a t e s t - f e a r?[/b] -- greatest fear?
[b]o t h e r - f e a r s - a n d - p h o b i a s?[/b] -- anxieties, insecurities, phobias?
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u](optional) EMOTION (optional) [/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] what makes your mirror crack? [/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]m o r a l i t y[/b] -- describe your character's sense of morals.
[b]s e l f - c o n t r o l[/b] -- none, tons, a mix?
[b]r e a c t i o n - t o / d e a l i n g - w i t h--[/b]
Being Wrong--
Being Insulted--
Offending Others--
[b]e x p r e s s i n g--[/b]
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u](optional) PSYCHOANALYSIS (optional)[/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] why do you not like what you see? [/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]p s y c h o a n a l y s i s[/b] -- why do they act the way they do?
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u]ACTIONS [/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] the person in the mirror mimics me [/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]s k i l l s[/b] -- what is your character capable of? what have they learned?
[b]f i g h t i n g - s k i l l s[/b] -- have they trained all their life? or do they have none at all?
[b]f i g h t i n g - s t y l e[/b] -- quick and light, steady and unbreakable, powerful and fast, or do they not prefer to fight at all?
[b]w e a p o n - o f - c h o i c e[/b] -- sword, spear, bow, dragon? magic, words, wisdom, knowledge?
[b]m e d i c a l - k n o w l e d g e[/b] -- are they a breaking edge surgeon or can't even look at a paper-cut?
[b]d e a l i n g - w i t h - w o u n d s[/b] -- do they faint at the sight of blood? or are they quick to stitch themselves up?
[b]m a g i c a l - s k i l l s[/b] -- can they mutter an incantation and teleport away? or does magic not come easy to them, if at all?
[b]v i e w s - o n - m a g i c?[/b] do they fear it? or embrace it?
[b]h o b b i e s/p a s t - t i m e s[/b] -- quirks?
[b]t a l e n t s [/b] -- what makes your character special?
[b]p e o p l e - s k i l l s[/b] -- can they charm their way into any crowd? or do people dislike them like no other?
[b]c h a r i s m a[/b] -- how good are they with their tongue?
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u] PAST [/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] when that person in the mirror was just a bit smaller?[/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]p a s t[/b]: freeform! timeline, significant events, paragraphs, metamorphosis of personality, etc.
[div align="center"][font size="7"][font color="e6bd3b"][b][u]FLIP-SIDE [/u][/b][/font][/font]
-[b] and on the other side of that shiny reflective glass? [/b]- [div style="text-align:left;"]
[b]a l i a s[/b] -- what do you want us to call you?
[b]g e n d e r[/b] -- are you a miss or a mister?
[b]o t h e r - c h a r a c t e r s?[/b] -- anyone else you play?
[b]h o w - d i d - y o u - f i n d - t h e - s i t e?[/b] -- how did you find Apotheosis?
[b]r o l e - p l a y - s a m p l e?[/b] -- show us what you can do.