Post by Vanya N. Argall on Jul 24, 2013 18:06:52 GMT -6
- who do you see on the surface? -
- who do you see on the surface? -
n a m e -- vanya nimue argall
n i c k n a m e (s) -- if anything, van
m e a n i n g - o f - n a m e -- vanya means "strong and beautiful"; nimue is said to be the name of a sorceress; argall means "dweller of a quiet place"
a g e -- 104 years old
d a t e - o f - b i r t h -- 2/12/1528
s e x -- female
s e x u a l - o r i e n t a t i o n -- heterosexual
s p e c i e s -- elf
s o c i o - e c o n o m i c l e v e l -- upper class
o c c u p a t i o n -- healer
r a n k - o r - t i t l e -- travelling healer (?)
- who do you see in the mirror? -
- who do you see in the mirror? -
p l a y - b y -- karen gillan
h e i g h t -- five feet and eleven inches
w e i g h t -- 140 pounds
p o s t u r e -- stands straight and tall, with confidence
b u i l d -- somewhat petite, mostly straight with no overly defined curves
s k i n -- pale, fair skin with light freckles
h a i r -- Vanya has light red hair that occasionally appears more auburn, especially in the cold months. Her hair reaches to about breast-length and naturally has slight waves in it, which she sometimes manipulates for larger or smaller waves.
e y e s -- She has large, roundish-almond eyes in green-hazel color.
f a c e - s h a p e -- round, probably longer than it appears
e x p r e s s i o n s? -- Vanya is very expressive. If one knows how to read people, she's an open book. Her emotions lie directly on her face, mostly in her eyes. She isn't a big fan of being angry, so that would probably be the only confusing emotion. Her eyebrows move together and she keeps a tight face. Sadness often brings a look of astonishment in tears. Her smile often depends on the extent of happiness. Amusement? Simple smile. Happiness? Grin. Excitement? Is her face going to stay that way?
t a t t o o s / s c a r s? -- She has never had an interest in tattoos, so she has none. her only visible scars are four nail marks on her upper right arm, when someone attempted robbing her.
r i g h t - o r - l e f t - h a n d e d? -- left-handed
d i s t i n q u i s h i n g - f e a t u r e s? -- Her large eyes and red hair create an innocent aura that people often remember
h e a l t h -- Vanya has always had fairly good health. she rarely gets sick, and when she does, it never sticks around for long.
p h y s i c a l - q u a l i t i e s? Vanya has soft, feminine facial features. With her wide eyes and striking red hair, it isn't uncommon for someone to feel an innocent vibe from her. Her hips aren't the most curvaceous, but she's got enough feminine curves to feel confident about herself. She has very little muscle, instead preferring a more relaxed life.
p h y s i c a l - f l a w s Her scars on her right arm could be considered a flaw, but barely. They are faded to the point where they are barely raised and a light pink color. Perhaps her lack of overly feminine curves could be a physical flaw, or her round and sometimes pudgy face.
- layers layers and layers? -
- layers layers and layers? -
i n t e l l i g e n c e - l e v e l -- Vanya is intelligent, but she is no genius. She went through schooling with very little trouble and studied as necessary, as any good student would. She is both book-smart and street smart, though it since it has been a while since she left school, some subjects are probably hazy to her. You could say that due to her slight naiviety and ease of trust, she isn't exactly up to par in her street smarts.
s c h o o l i n g? -- She received all necessary schooling, though she never sought out anything further than what was required by her parents.
s e l f - c o n f i d e n c e? -- Vanya has a good balance of confidence. She isn't too arrogant or insecure. She knows what she can and can't do and acts on that.
d o m i n a n t - o r - s u b m i s s i v e? -- It certainly depends on the issue at hand. More often than not, Vanya is stubborn and won't want to back down. However, there are always situations where she knows she should be submissive, and that usually depends on the person - especially if they intimidate her.
p a t i e n c e - l e v e l -- She is patient simply because she knows good things come to those who wait.
s e n s e - o f - h u m o r -- Vanya has a fairly light sense of humor; she doesn't understand all jokes and is fairly innocent about it.
c h a r a c t e r / p e r s o n a l i t y / m e n t a l / s o c i a l - f l a w s? flaws?
c h a r a c t e r / p e r s o n a l i t y / m e n t a l / s o c i a l - s t r e n g t h s? strengths?
w h i c h - o f - t h e - s e v e n - v i r t u e s - d o - t h e y - r e s e m b l e ? humility
w h i c h - o f - t h e - s e v e n - s i n s - d o - t h e y - r e s e m b l e ? sloth
o p t o m i s t - o r - p e s s i m i s t? -- optimist
i n t r o v e r t - o r - e x t r o v e r t? -- extrovert
b i g g e s t - v u l n e r a b i l i t y - (non-physical?) -- overly trusting, perhaps a bit gullible
g r e a t e s t - f e a r? -- losing someone close to her
o t h e r - f e a r s - a n d - p h o b i a s? -- While not exactly a fear, Vanya dislikes the dark and shadows. She's a bit paranoid about seeing things in them, things that shouldn't be there. She also dislikes cold, wet places - like caves and cellars.
- what makes your mirror crack? -
- what makes your mirror crack? -
m o r a l i t y -- Vanya generally has good morals; she knows what is right and wrong and will act accordingly. She isn't the sort of person to go against her morals, but there are always exceptions to be made. She believes that to keep a good heart one must have good morals, and stick by them.
s e l f - c o n t r o l -- Vanya doesn't have the most control over her emotions. As previously mentioned, she's more or less an open book. She'll try to keep things to herself, but people can generally tell how she feels. Past emotions, she has fairly decent self-control. She won't say something if she knows she shouldn't and her behavior will adjust to situations.
r e a c t i o n - t o / d e a l i n g - w i t h--
Danger/Conflict-- Vanya is prone to panicking, but she tries to keep a clear head. As for conflict, she weighs everything out and tries her best to solve problems unbiased.
Fear-- Again, prone to panicking. When she is scared, she gets nervous and anxious. It's very obvious in the way she acts; jittery, sharp movements. She will try to calm herself down, often by thinking of happier things.
Loss-- One of her greatest fears is losing people that are close to her. It obviously doesn't go over well. It is very likely that she'll be in an emotional ditch for a while, until she is able to pick herself up and carry on. She'll always think about the loss of that person, but she'll cope.
Romance-- Vanya doesn't flirt, due to the combined awkwardness and naivety. She often doesn't realize when it's happening - on her end or not - and will continue on normally. When things become obvious, Vanya gets a tad bashful. Blushing, giggling, the whole package. She could also be considered a hopeless romantic and would give her lover everything she has to offer.
Pain-- Somewhat uncharacteristic to her personality, Vanya actually has a very high pain tolerance. Perhaps it is due to her elf heritage, with them being stronger. Of course, when pain does come along, she isn't one to just mask or forget about it. Her face is likely to contort as she tries to deal with it and fix whatever is wrong.
Stress-- It doesn't affect Vanya easily. She isn't one to get stressed about much of anything, but it does happen to everyone eventually. Vanya is likely to just do something she likes to lessen the stress, such as taking a walk, reading, or talking to people.
Guilt-- Vanya doesn't like feeling guilty. She'll do her best to avoid the feeling altogether; she'll do what she can to make things right as soon as the need arises. Vanya will apologize profusely for whatever happened and even give little gifts as an extra apology, all in hopes that it will blow over.
Being Wrong-- Vanya isn't likely to get upset over being wrong about something. She'd rather just laugh it off and apologize, and that's the end of it.
Being Insulted-- Though Vanya certainly doesn't like being insulted more than anyone else, she doesn't often take things to heart. There could always be that one insult that gets to her, but more often than not, she'll brush it off.
Offending Others-- Purposely offending people doesn't happen often, but if that was the case, she probably wouldn't care what they thought. On accident, however, Vanya is likely to feel a bit guilty about it and try apologizing.
Praise-- Vanya would accept praise with the grin, maybe even a thank you. There isn't much more to it.
Humiliation-- If Vanya is humiliated, she's most likely to get a bit angry about it. She'll be more embarrassed than angry, but it would still be present. In the end, she'll try laughing and shrugging it off, but that doesn't always work.
e x p r e s s i n g--
Anger-- Vanya doesn't like being angry; she prefers to hide it. It probably isn't a good idea, pushing anger away, but she doesn't like to lash out and/or hurt people.
Sadness-- She doesn't like sadness at all - but who does? In sadness, Vanya sometimes becomes rather unresponsive, almost to a point where she ignores everything. Other times she will just act as though she isn't sad at all. When it gets to its worst point, Vanya simply cries.
Fear-- When she is nervous, Vanya grows anxious. She'll pretend as though she isn't scared at all and try facing whatever she's afraid of with a smile.
Happiness-- When she is happy, a smile isn't far. She loves to laugh and smile, to let the world know how utterly happy she is.
Love-- You could say the way she expresses being in love is similar to how she expresses happiness. Vanya laughs and smiles, especially around who she loves. It's an overall wonderful feeling for her.
Stress-- She doesn't really express stress; she ignores it and tries to relax.
- the person in the mirror mimics me -
- the person in the mirror mimics me -
s k i l l s -- Vanya is very nature-oriented. She is very good with animals, agressive or not, and knows what to do around them. She is also an exceptional healer, having trained that skill since she was a young child. If it is considered a skill, she also considers herself skilled in talking - especially to get what she wants.
f i g h t i n g - s k i l l s -- Vanya is far from being a militaristic role model, but she does have some skill. For her parents to allow Vanya to leave home, she had to learn how to protect herself. She knows how to use a bow and knives on the defensive and offensive front, and makes sure to keep one or both with her at all times. While she isn't a master with both, it's enough to protect herself - usually - when she needs to.
f i g h t i n g - s t y l e -- While Vanya would prefer not to fight, sometimes a person has to. She is quick and light on her feet, with an average amount of strength.
w e a p o n - o f - c h o i c e -- Her parents were against using magic as a weapon, so Vanya doesn't know too much about it in that sense. So she prefers knifes and short swords and bows.
m e d i c a l - k n o w l e d g e -- Well, she certainly isn't a surgeon. She doesn't operate on people unless it is absolutely necessary and there is no one else to do it. Vanya was trained in medicine and healing for most of her life, so it's what she is good at. She knows enough to help most people with whatever is wrong with them, and is perfectly happy doing so.
d e a l i n g - w i t h - w o u n d s -- It's just blood. No one likes a lot of blood, and Vanya certainly wouldn't faint over it. If needed, sure, she'd stitch herself up. She's been her own doctor for years, it's nothing new.
m a g i c a l - s k i l l s -- Vanya is fairly skilled in magic, until it comes to offensive, fighting magic. It comes fairly easy to her, as she grew up around it. She can do a variety of spells, from simple things like cleaning something to more complex magic like teleportation. Of course, the latter is certainly more difficult.
v i e w s - o n - m a g i c? Vanya grew up around magic, so of course she would embrace it. She is a bit wary of magic meant for fighting, as she was told not to use such spells, but otherwise she definitely embraces it.
h o b b i e s/p a s t - t i m e s -- Vanya enjoys most things dealing with nature. She likes animals, walks, and just being outside. Basically, her nature is her hobby and favorite past-time. She also enjoys reading and creating things.
t a l e n t s -- Perhaps it isn't all that special, as many elves can do the same, but Vanya is a great healer.
p e o p l e - s k i l l s -- Vanya likes to think she's charming, but it probably depends on the person. Her kindness is probably what gets people to like her, and she doesn't normally have people disliking her.
c h a r i s m a -- Again, she thinks she has good charisma. Her attitude probably affects how people respond to her; she has a good-natured soul that people seem to like.
- when that person in the mirror was just a bit smaller?-
- when that person in the mirror was just a bit smaller?-
p a s t: Despite living for one hundred years, Vanya has had a rather uneventful life. Growing up in the West with two loving parents was wonderful. Her family was upper class and had everything they wanted. Vanya had plenty of friends and wonderful schoolteachers. However, you could say her life was rather sheltered. She never really knew what was going on outside the elven society; she knew barely little about the outside world. For a long while, she didn't care. Everything seemed perfect, but the thought was like an itch that never really went away. She ignored it at first. But when you ignore an itch, it just gets worse and worse. Eventually she gave in, she decided she had to see what the world had to offer. The elven world of hers had began to grow old and boring; she wanted something new. She had a long life of her, what sort of life would she be able to say she lived if she never explored? Bringing the situation at hand to her parents, she received a firm "no". They didn't want their only daughter to disappear into a world they believed dangerous. In a way, her parents were very conservative. They too had grown up among the elves, but unlike Vanya, they never wanted to leave. They saw no need to explore beyond their home.
It took a while for Vanya to convince her parents. She had completed her schooling; there was nothing left for her to do but get a job and settle down in life. However, that was the exact opposite of what she wanted to do. Vanya enlisted the help of her five older brothers to convince their parents to let her go. Finally, they agreed. However, they requested that she stay a couple years longer to learn how to protect herself. They truly believed it was a dangerous world and that only family could be trusted. She had to sit through hours and hours of her parents preaching this to her until the time finally came. Her fighting skills had been deemed good enough to protect herself. It was a couple weeks after her eightieth birthday that Vanya finally left home with nothing but a large bag of necessary supplies and a promise to write.
Was "exploring" everything Vanya thought it would be? Definitely not. That doesn't mean she hated it, no, she still loved it. It was much harder taking care of herself than she thought it would be. She never had to do such a thing; her parents had done everything for her. Jumping between two extremes was a bit of a shock, but she loved the freedom. There was so much she could do and so many people to meet. For a couple of years, Vanya struggled. She wasn't really sure how to make a living at this point. The items and money her parents had given her to trade and buy things with were slowly disappearing, and her supplies were almost gone. How was she going to survive, if she had nothing left?
Vanya almost considered going home, until she came across a woman and her sick son. The lady begged for help, saying she would pay if someone could heal her son. It was completely by accident that Vanya stumbled upon the woman on her way out of the city. She couldn't ignore the issue, not without seeing what was wrong with the man first. Following the woman to her home, she saw that the boy's skin was pale and clammy. He looked like death. Upon closer inspection, Vanya discovered the boy had acquired a nasty wound while working. It had been severely infected, and honestly, Vanya wasn't sure if she would be able to help. She was able to help with the pain and used her magic to try healing the infected wound. It wasn't perfect, but Vanya was pleased. She advised the woman to buy certain medicine to help with his recovery. Payment was completely forgotten, and Vanya left the town.
It wasn't until a year later, when Vanya was truly on the last of her supplies, that she returned to the same town and met the woman again. She looked beyond happy to see Vanya and invited her back to her home. Seeing the state her clothing was in, the woman asked her to at least spend the night, in return for what she had done a year before. When Vanya woke in the morning, the woman had left her new clothes at the end of her bed. She could hear the woman and her son talking downstairs, so she decided to thank them before leaving. The son wouldn't have it. He thanked her profusely, as he'd been too sickly before, and asked that she at least stay until lunch. Vanya figured it couldn't hurt. During that time, she learned that after the son had healed, he ended up opening a business in the center of town. The two were making a very comfortable living off of it, and now the man wanted to repay her. Vanya was surprised by the amount of money and food given to her, but she was certainly happy about it.
Perhaps that was when Vanya realized she could make a living for herself and travel. Sure, it wouldn't be the most comfortable thing, but Vanya was sure she would only be happy if she continued to see what the world had to offer. She began to heal people in exchange for money, food, basically anything that helped her get by. It was actually a pretty good trade; after a couple years of this, she even had enough money to buy herself nicer clothes. For once, she truly was living by herself and no longer needed her family's help.
It was probably ten years after she left home - meaning fourteen years ago - that Vanya finally ran into what her parents though the world was infested with. It was getting dark, and Vanya was completely alone on the path she was travelling on. One moment she was walking, the next there was a man in front of her demanding for her bag. At first, Vanya didn't realize she was being robbed. Once she did, however, she was astonished. How dare this man try to take all she had? Long story short, Vanya tried to run. The man grabbed her arm with incredibly sharp nails and ripped through the thin fabric of her shirt, tearing into her skin - leaving a scar that still remains. It was the first time she ever had to defend herself, and damn, was she surprised. When she saw a flash of metal, Vanya panicked. She pulled out her own knife,stabbed him in the abdomen, and fled.
That day definitely shook her up. It opened her eyes, if only slightly, to what the world could be. Not everything was peaceful as she would like. Since then, she has had a few close calls, but nothing too bad. She is definitely more careful about where she goes and is a bit paranoid about something like that happening again. Still, she continues to wander around, and rather happily at that.
- and on the other side of that shiny reflective glass? -
- and on the other side of that shiny reflective glass? -
a l i a s -- Isabella, Bella, anything like that.
g e n d e r -- a miss!
o t h e r - c h a r a c t e r s? -- this is my first character.
h o w - d i d - y o u - f i n d - t h e - s i t e? -- posted a "looking for.." ad on PB Support, Daze replied.
r o l e - p l a y - s a m p l e? --
Vanya looked up at the sky, a look of disappointment on her face. The horizon was flooded with orange as the sun began to set, leaving the rest of the sky a boring blue-grey. It seemed only just a moment ago that it was noon, with the sun high in the sky. She couldn't believe she had traveled so little in one day; she still had so far to go until the next town. The elf wasn't a stranger to sleeping under the open sky, but in the past years, she had gotten used to spending the night in a cozy room. It was a subject of preference, really. Adjusting the bag on her shoulder, Vanya continued along the path. She wasn't even sure it was a path, honestly. It was pretty much the only place to walk through the small forest; everything else was too thick or there were branches in the way. She began to hum, trying to take her mind off the darkening sky. The elf had never really liked the dark, and the thought of being alone in a forest at night was not a welcoming thought. Vanya could only half-skip along and pretend she was perfectly happy until she got to the town later...or decided to hole up somewhere "safe".
There was a thump somewhere behind her. Freezing in fright, Vanya blinked. She breathed out heavily and began to console herself. There was nothing there. There was nothing bad behind her, she was fine. If anything, a squirrel had thrown an acorn or a rock or something like that. Nothing to be afraid of. She turned to look behind her - nothing. There was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, therefore nothing to continue worrying about. Vanya just had to stop being such a coward when it started getting dark, as though something was going to jump out and scare her to death. A squirrel scampered to the ground and picked up a nut before running off. She smiled and turned around.
Someone was in front of her. Vanya's eyes widened and she sucked in a quick breath; her heart beat fast, reflecting her startled face. "Wha--"
"Give me your bag." A dirty hand reached for her bag. Vanya stepped backwards, holding tightly to the strap on her right shoulder. The man in front of her wore a cloak, the hood shading his face.
Vanya shook her head quickly, taking another slow step backward. "I will not!" She exclaimed. There was no way she was letting someone take her bag - it held everything she owned! How could this man try to take it from her? Couldn't he see this was all she had? If she lost it, she would have nothing.
She began to move her feet to run away. The man reached out with a clawed hand and grabbed at her arm, his nails tearing through the fabric and skin as she pulled away. The pain didn't register in her mind at first; she was too concerned on getting away. A glint of metal in the corner of her eye made the elf realized she couldn't run. It was now or never.
Yanking her own knife out of her coat fabric, Vanya thrust it forward into the man's upper abdomen. She acted on complete panic and instinct, and didn't think twice about what she had just done. Vanya pulled the knife away from him and ran off down the road as fast as she could, desperate to get away. She didn't know if the wound was fatal or if he would be alright, but she didn't want to stick around to figure that out.
She must have ran quickly, because not too long later, Vanya saw a village rise up above her. She didn't slow down until she had reached the village, and pocketed her knife shortly after. It was completely dark by the time she found a place to stay. Walking into the building, Vanya put on a weak smile. "Can I get a room, please?"
(out of ideas, so this is the day she was attacked.)
There was a thump somewhere behind her. Freezing in fright, Vanya blinked. She breathed out heavily and began to console herself. There was nothing there. There was nothing bad behind her, she was fine. If anything, a squirrel had thrown an acorn or a rock or something like that. Nothing to be afraid of. She turned to look behind her - nothing. There was absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, therefore nothing to continue worrying about. Vanya just had to stop being such a coward when it started getting dark, as though something was going to jump out and scare her to death. A squirrel scampered to the ground and picked up a nut before running off. She smiled and turned around.
Someone was in front of her. Vanya's eyes widened and she sucked in a quick breath; her heart beat fast, reflecting her startled face. "Wha--"
"Give me your bag." A dirty hand reached for her bag. Vanya stepped backwards, holding tightly to the strap on her right shoulder. The man in front of her wore a cloak, the hood shading his face.
Vanya shook her head quickly, taking another slow step backward. "I will not!" She exclaimed. There was no way she was letting someone take her bag - it held everything she owned! How could this man try to take it from her? Couldn't he see this was all she had? If she lost it, she would have nothing.
She began to move her feet to run away. The man reached out with a clawed hand and grabbed at her arm, his nails tearing through the fabric and skin as she pulled away. The pain didn't register in her mind at first; she was too concerned on getting away. A glint of metal in the corner of her eye made the elf realized she couldn't run. It was now or never.
Yanking her own knife out of her coat fabric, Vanya thrust it forward into the man's upper abdomen. She acted on complete panic and instinct, and didn't think twice about what she had just done. Vanya pulled the knife away from him and ran off down the road as fast as she could, desperate to get away. She didn't know if the wound was fatal or if he would be alright, but she didn't want to stick around to figure that out.
She must have ran quickly, because not too long later, Vanya saw a village rise up above her. She didn't slow down until she had reached the village, and pocketed her knife shortly after. It was completely dark by the time she found a place to stay. Walking into the building, Vanya put on a weak smile. "Can I get a room, please?"
(out of ideas, so this is the day she was attacked.)